family time: Mexican feasting.

March 11, 2012 by lkinney90

There’s really no way to sugar coat it: the town in which I grew up is home to a rather large Hispanic population.  At the end of the day, after listening to all the old peoples’ racist comments and angry rants, I could not be more proud to have been raised in an area with an authentic Mexican restaurant on every block (exaggerated, but only slightly).

My family loves Mexican food.  My family loves to cook.  And so it was decided: what better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than mother-daughter bonding over Mexican food creation, beer, and a family-values-encouraging movie like Old School?

I am not a chef.  I enjoy cooking because it often revolves around cutting things into small pieces with large knives, and I rather enjoy a good quality knife.  Luckily my mom possesses a glorious mentally-archived pico del gallo recipe that leaves plenty of opportunities for me to almost chop my fingers off.

The pico de gallo, paired with some fajitas and my dad’s homemade beer, contributed to a fabulous family evening.

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