family time part 2: fitness.

March 13, 2012 by lkinney90

My parents have always been fairly active people.  And, like all good parents should, they’ve spend the last 20 years trying to convince my video game loving brother and my movie and television obsessed self that exercising is, in so very many forms, fun.

As much as it may hurt my parents to hear, they have failed to convince me.  Though I force myself to understand and accept that being active is an important part of stay healthy and not 400 pounds, I rarely find any form of physical activity purely enjoyable.  True, I enjoy the feeling of “WOW, I just burned a bunch of calories so now I can eat even MORE to make up for it,” but my list of enjoyable sport-type activities is pretty much limited to swimming, baseball, kayaking, and biking.  I am not an athlete.  I am especially not a runner.

But, since the gods of nature decided to bless us with unseasonably warm weather over spring break, I agreed to drag my ass out on a bike ride with my parents one morning.  It probably helped that I had my own motives: I packed along my shiny new DSLR that I hadn’t had much opportunity to play with.

On one hand, my 50-something year old parents put me to shame on the fitness side of things.  On the other hand, my dad is wicked fun to go adventuring with so I found some cool places to fail at photography:


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