1. Article: Geographic Television Consumption

    May 1, 2012 by lkinney90

    Ad Age Looks at Who’s Watching What Where

    This article from Ad Age details the top network shows in the US by county.  Since the article is published through an advertising-focused publication, it focuses on the importance of media consumption information for marketers.  Information about TV shows viewed in a particular area reflects the demographics and qualities of the audience.

    The first thing that struck me about the research presented was that I hadn’t heard of at least half of the shows on the list. Oops. I should probably stop living under a rock if I want to be able to target consumers based on the shows they watch.

    After looking in more detail at the results of the research, it was interesting to me that some shows penetrated multiple and seemingly unrelated demographic/psychographic groups.

    I’m not sure the article’s last paragraph about marketers “mirroring” themes found in the show necessarily works for me in the case that they’re talking about TV commercials being similar to the show they’re run during, but I think this information is amazingly useful for helping marketers effectively target consumers. Simply put, the more information you have about people the more you can cater to them.